It’s Official: Smoking Isn’t Sexy Anymore

So you thought you found the perfect match, but then you found out they were a smoker. Suddenly, that sexy image you had in your mind starts to fade. In today's dating scene, smoking is becoming more and more of a turn-off. With health and wellness becoming a top priority for many, the sight of someone lighting up a cigarette just doesn't quite fit the bill anymore. If you're looking for a partner who shares your smoke-free lifestyle, it might be time to explore some new dating apps that cater to non-smokers. Check out this comparison of SeekingArrangement and Blendr to see which one could help you find a partner who won't leave you gasping for air.

In the world of dating, there are certain traits and habits that were once considered attractive but have since lost their appeal. One of these once-desirable traits was smoking. For years, smoking was seen as a symbol of rebellion, freedom, and sexiness. However, in recent years, a shift has occurred, and smoking is no longer considered sexy. In fact, it has become a major turn-off for many potential partners. So, why has smoking lost its appeal, and what does this mean for the dating scene? Let’s take a closer look.

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The Decline of Smoking

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Over the past few decades, there has been a significant decline in the number of people who smoke. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the percentage of adults who smoke has dropped from 20.9% in 2005 to 13.7% in 2018. This decline can be attributed to a number of factors, including increased awareness of the health risks associated with smoking, stricter regulations on smoking in public places, and the rise of alternatives such as e-cigarettes.

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In addition to the overall decline in smoking rates, there has been a cultural shift in the way smoking is perceived. Once seen as glamorous and sophisticated, smoking is now viewed as a dirty, unhealthy habit. This shift in perception has had a significant impact on the dating scene, as potential partners are less likely to find smoking attractive.

The Health Risks of Smoking

One of the main reasons smoking has lost its appeal is the growing awareness of the health risks associated with it. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and is responsible for a wide range of health problems, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. In addition to the physical health risks, smoking can also have a negative impact on mental health, leading to increased stress and anxiety.

For many people, the health risks of smoking are a major turn-off when it comes to dating. In a survey conducted by the dating app, Tinder, 71% of users said that they would not date a smoker, citing concerns about their potential partner’s health.

The Social Stigma of Smoking

In addition to the health risks, smoking also carries a social stigma that can be off-putting to potential partners. As smoking rates have declined, non-smokers have become less tolerant of being exposed to secondhand smoke. This has led to stricter regulations on smoking in public places, making it more difficult for smokers to find places where they can indulge in their habit.

This social stigma has also extended to the dating scene, with many people expressing a preference for non-smoking partners. In a survey conducted by the dating website, eHarmony, 72% of respondents said that they would not date a smoker, citing concerns about the smell of smoke and the impact of smoking on their own health.

The Rise of Health-Conscious Dating

As society becomes more health-conscious, many people are seeking partners who share their values and lifestyle choices. This has led to a rise in health-conscious dating, with people prioritizing partners who are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This includes avoiding habits such as smoking, which can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health.

For many people, smoking has become a deal-breaker when it comes to dating. In a survey conducted by the dating site,, 60% of respondents said that they would not consider dating a smoker, with 70% of non-smokers saying that they would not kiss someone who had just smoked.

What This Means for the Dating Scene

The decline of smoking as a desirable trait has had a significant impact on the dating scene. In the past, smoking was often seen as a symbol of rebellion and sexiness, but it is now viewed as a major turn-off for many potential partners. This shift in perception has led to a rise in health-conscious dating, with people seeking partners who share their values and lifestyle choices.

For smokers, this shift in perception may make it more difficult to find potential partners who are accepting of their habit. However, it is important to remember that everyone has their own preferences when it comes to dating, and there are still plenty of people who are open to dating smokers. Ultimately, the key to successful dating is finding someone who accepts and appreciates you for who you are, smoking habits and all.