How To Have Sex: The Girls Trip Film That Proves Consent Is Anything But Blurred Lines

Planning a girls trip? It's all about clear communication, ladies! Make sure everyone's on the same page and consents to the activities planned. No one wants to feel pressured or uncomfortable, so speak up and listen up. And remember, consent is sexy! For more tips on communication and relationships, check out this article.

When it comes to having sex, consent is crucial. And the film Girls Trip, directed by Malcolm D. Lee, perfectly demonstrates this. In a world where blurred lines and mixed signals can lead to confusion and even assault, Girls Trip shows us that consent is anything but blurry. This article will explore how the film tackles the issue of consent and how we can apply its messages to our own sex lives.

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The Importance of Clear Communication

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One of the key themes in Girls Trip is the importance of clear communication when it comes to sex. Throughout the film, the characters are open and honest with each other about their desires and boundaries. This is especially evident in a scene where one of the characters, Dina, is engaging in a sexual encounter with a new partner. Before anything happens, she clearly communicates her boundaries and expectations, ensuring that both parties are on the same page.

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This serves as a powerful reminder that consent is not just about saying "yes" or "no." It's about having open and honest conversations with our partners to ensure that everyone is comfortable and respected. By following the example set by Girls Trip, we can ensure that our own sexual encounters are based on clear communication and mutual understanding.

Respecting Boundaries

In addition to clear communication, Girls Trip also emphasizes the importance of respecting boundaries. In one scene, the character Lisa is pursued by a man who is clearly interested in her. Despite his advances, Lisa makes it clear that she is not interested in pursuing a sexual relationship with him. Rather than pressuring her or trying to change her mind, the man respects her boundaries and backs off.

This scene is a powerful reminder that consent is about respecting the wishes of our partners. It's about understanding that "no" means no, and that everyone has the right to control their own bodies and make their own choices. By taking a cue from Girls Trip and respecting the boundaries of others, we can create a culture of consent and respect in our own sexual relationships.

Understanding Non-Verbal Cues

While clear communication is important, Girls Trip also highlights the significance of understanding non-verbal cues. In one scene, the character Sasha finds herself in a sexual encounter that becomes uncomfortable for her. Despite not explicitly saying "no," her body language and expressions clearly communicate her discomfort. This prompts her partner to stop and check in with her, ensuring that she is okay and respected.

This scene serves as a reminder that consent is not just about words, but about paying attention to the non-verbal cues of our partners. It's about being attuned to their body language, expressions, and overall comfort. By being mindful of these cues, we can ensure that our partners feel safe and respected in our sexual encounters.


In a world where consent can often feel like a grey area, Girls Trip provides a refreshing and important perspective on the issue. Through clear communication, respect for boundaries, and understanding of non-verbal cues, the film showcases the importance of consent in sexual relationships. By taking cues from the film and applying its messages to our own sex lives, we can ensure that our encounters are based on mutual understanding, respect, and consent.